Art Supplies for Travel

Art Supplies for Travel

I’m heading off to Munich, Berlin, Cologne and Paris (I can’t believe it) on Wednesday night. It’s a trip that’s been 3.5 years in the planning (and gentle saving) and, as I’m usually from the school of “if it fits, pack it”...
Shiny Happy Gift Ideas

Shiny Happy Gift Ideas

I really love choosing gifts, but I may be the only one in my family who does! So if you’re open to ideas, here are a few ‘shiny happy arty’ gifts that I’d recommend. An ART MUGĀ full of marshmallows (or those yummy French Vanilla Cashews from...
The mugs are here!

The mugs are here!

I recently ordered a few mugs with one of my owl paintings on them, and after getting a huge number of lovely comments and likes on Facebook, looked into getting a few more made. And because I seem incapable of doing just one thing at a time, I chose three of my...