by | Jun 8, 2019 | How To, Video, Workshops
Last month we talked about setting up a lightweight sketchbook kit to suit any occasion or location… so now… what are we going to draw when we are out and about? I’ll share my tips for getting started when you are sketching in public....
by | May 16, 2019 | Uncategorized
Thank you so much to everyone who joined me for my Webinar today! We had a RECORD NUMBER of attendees from around the world which is extremely exciting. 🙂 In case you missed, it, here’s the replay for your viewing pleasure. The password is just below the video....
by | Apr 18, 2019 | Freebies, Video, Workshops
It’s the Thursday before the 25th of the month, and that means it’s… WEBINAR DAY! I get to share more info about some of my favourite things (paint!) and the doors open for this month’s enrolments into the Paint Along of the Month Club (they...
by | Jan 20, 2019 | Freebies, Gifts, Paintings, Video, Workshops
UPDATE – you can see the Webinar replay here – Length: 47:33 Password: water For years I’ve wondered how I could do a webinar, because painting demonstrations can be a pretty slow process, but just last week I figured out a way! I’ve made a...